Title: Bed 180 Headboard ZENITH and Combined surround
Source: Gautier
Product Description
Configuration available too with HORIZON headboards.
Horizon headboards are made from particleboard covered with polyurethane foam (30 kg/m3), certified Certipur, with 100% polyester padding. Decorative elements and frame in grey metal foiled particleboard, edges with same.
Zenith headboards are made from particleboard covered with polyurethane foam (HR 28 kg/m3), certified Certipur, with 100% polyester padding. Decorative elements and frame in grey metal foiled particleboard, edges with same.
The combined bed surrounds are made from particleboard covered with polyurethane foam (28kg/m3), Certipur certified, with 100% polyester padding. Decorative elements and frame in grey metal foiled particleboard, edges in same finish.
Width: 310cm x Height: 106cm x Depth: 230cm
Width: 122 inches x Height: 41.7/15 inches x Depth: 90.5 inches